I have no apologies… That’s just me! (1)

Make Someone Happy Today...Mind Your Own Business
Make Someone Happy Today…Mind Your Own Business

I am not apologizing for being me. Like it or not,  I am proud to be!

One, I know am the kind to who will hop from one entertainment joint to the other every Friday. Mind you, not that I have money to spend on booze. No. I am, mostly flat on bucks. But by the Grace of God I end up drunk. How do I pull that?  I don’t know. I know the buddies I bump in the joints are the ones who suffer. Yes. I can tell every minute I join them. But they have no guts to tell me away. And that’s what I capitalize on. Before they turn their ugly heads away from me, I have already secured a round or two from them. A times I am amazed at myself. Or may be its the stories, mostly lies that I chunk? Help them kill the boredom? Keep the chat alive over a drink? I can’t tell. But one thing for sure, certainly, they can’t wait for that one day I will stop hovering around them, begging for drinks. That one day I will have money. And may be have enough to buy them a round. Let their wishes and prayers be. Prayers are good right? And wishes are also super, right? But until then, I shall carry on with the habit, albeit cleverly. And I have no apologies for that. That’s just me!

Two, yea, I know I am old. Too old for going out? Give me a break bother. By the way next time you see me in your favorite hanging joint back in the hood, just scatter. Scatter because I am not ‘behaving’ like my peers soon, who apparently are back in shags farming. Besides the fireplace. Especially during this cold season.Haven’t you heard that old is gold? Now this is how I tend to shine mine. Hanging out with the lil babes!. Hey, you young man, what do you have to show for your being young? Nothing! So give me break, Let me go out. Let me date those young babes. Let me sip that Jameson. Let me dance to the Diamond’s ‘Number One!’ And by the way, haven’t you realized that I don’t go after the sassy babes? No I don’t. They just roll in. My guess is that they whiff the money miles away. Remember the Old is Gold phrase earlier? Yes, that one. They feel money, and the only way to touch it-yes?. It’s by hanging out with me. Touch my pot belly, massage my receding hair line, and swing they luscious hips around my feeble knees. Hey you youngie, do you have anything to offer? My guess is you have nothing. So keep to your lane. And I will keep to mine. That’s my life. And I have no apologies for that. That’s just me!

Three, I know I am a parrot. In fact I hardly think before I talk. I just talk. Talk, talk, talk, talk. A times I get goose bumps for keeping quiet for ten minutes straight. My guess that I when I was born, I shouted my lungs out. But I don’t apologies for that. No. Take me as I am. Or just leave me alone. I also know that many a times I have waged fights, courtesy of my tongue. But I cant help it! How many times, as far as I remember, haven’t I tried to be ‘cool and quiet’ just to fit in? But I can’t pretend anymore. I can’t try to fit in anymore. You should fit it my cool and noisy self. Yes, off my chest. And I have no apologies for that. That’s just me!

Four, it’s true  an still single. Yes, I just turned 40 the other day, and yea yea yea, am not yet married. What concerns you that I am still single? What is it of your concern that am still in my mamas joint? I am still a mamas boy? That my mama has spoilt me? That I am, dare say, too old to be in her hood? Not let’s get facts here: Do you know that it doesn’t bother me an inch that you are married? Do you that your achievements, whether you married at fifteen, twenty or thirty, amounts to nothing as far as am concerned? So get a life. Let me be. Stop nosing around my life, wondering when I will get hitched. It’s non of your business, since this is just who I am. Am single, 40+ and counting. And that’s me, proud senior spinster. Or a bachelor for that matter. While still at it, why is  it of concern to you as to  whom am dating or going out with? Let me not give you the pleasure of knowing whether I am gay or straight. Because it doesn’t bother me. And so shouldn’t bother you either. At all. And I have no apologies for that. That’s just me!

Five, Why is of your concern what I wear? Whether I want to go bare chest, panty-less, bra-less… Whether I am in tight or baggy jeans, shorts, prints, jackets…whether I am on shoes or bare foot…whether my hair is unkept, coiled, rugged, rasta-ad…. I have no apology for my choice of dress. The other day I was among the women, shouting their hearts out on #MyDressMyChoice demo. Come to think of it, WTF would a sane man strip a lady because of her choice of dress? Like one Jackson Biko put it,  it’s hard to process that video of that horde of leering neanderthals strip a poor woman. I believe, it’s non of your business to care and/or worry about my dressing. That’s just me. Mind your business. Dress in rags, suits or like a downright Eskimo and I won’t give a hoot either. It’ll be your choice. Not mine. And I have no apologies for that. That’s just me!

Just like one German Proverb says: SWEEP IN FRONT OF YOUR OWN DOOR!



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